
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Limerick in the Desert 2 of __


Anonymous said...

A cartoon of this nature that is unduly critical of the Archbishop in indicating that he endorses sin it uncalled for and anti-Catholic. The secular media does this will enough without the help of a supposedly Catholic blog. Please stay tuned to support of the Catholic Faith instead of devisive.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment, anonymous.

I refer you to this post today by David Stein who defends the cartoon better than I in his exposition on the situation it refers to. Also, our local The Wanderer Press has a number of articles about the Archbishop's history of doing exactly what I criticize him for in the cartoon; being 'Minnesota-nice' to sin, which I think is a mild way of stating it.

I'm not a member of the clergy; I have no homilies for the Archbishop to censure. Archbishop Flynn himself has called for transparency in the church, and then acts to silence Father Altier, while allowing the social Marxists to speak freely.

I hope it isn't anti-Catholic simply to bring up the facts of this situation. Even more, I hope Catholic lay people won't abandon the arena of justice and discussion just because we're concerned what the secular media will say about us. The secularists won't define Catholicism with fairness, anyway. Helping the media to help us doesn't help.

We all want openness; perhaps the cartoon will the Archbishop to explain why, here in the second year of our local Archdiocese's evangelization program, and in the light of John Paul II's call to bring the gospel of the church to the entire world, the teachings of one local priest who has been particularly successful in this regard are being censured.

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