
Thursday, May 4, 2006

Cross Purposes (Policy Changes at St Thomas U)

City Pages, the Twin Cities' free, weekly entertainment oriented tabloid that generally manages to put out a few good news or analysis articles in each issue, has just published a 5,600 word article on the recent policy changes at the University of St Thomas.

Last month, policies were revised to make it clear that the university would not allow unmarried heterosexual couples to room together when travelling with students. Policies regarding the rooming of homosexual couples were also revised to make it clear that the university would not pay for those arrangements. According to the author, Beth Hawkins, who interviewed many from both sides of the issues, the employment contract of a temporary teacher was not renewed because of her work with Planned Parenthood and other gay students felt that the school was discriminating against them.

Looking from outside the university it appears that an attempt was made to cover both sides of the issues. Hawkins makes it very clear that St Thomas is a Catholic school and points out that Archbishop Harry Flynn of the Archdiocese is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. While policies may have been unclear in the past, it is apparent that the sexual scandals in the Church and the Vatican's recent survey tour of the Major and Minor Seminaries at St Thomas has given impetus to a more rigorous enforcement of some policies under President, Father Dennis Dease

She also mentions the role of some of the school's wealthy Catholic benefactors, reporters from Relevant Radio, Catholic bloggers and writers of anonymous letters as being factors in the modification of some policies.

The Catholic Church's right turn touches off battles over dogma and diversity at the University of St. Thomas
by Beth Hawkins


Anonymous said...

Evidence that the online Catholic community is having an impact!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but is it a good impact? Or a balanced one. This article horrifies me, to be honest.

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