
Tuesday, August 1, 2006

In less than a month, South Dakota Will Execute Its First Inmate Since 1947


Let's Do Something About This

Father Dana from Sioux Falls, who blogs as the Prairie Priest at White Around the Collar, would like to mobilize Catholics and others to prevent this from happening.

Fellow South Dakotans and everyone else who feels strongly on this please take the time to do what you can to help stop the culture of death from moving forward in South Dakota. Here is an action alert from the Catholic Advocate Network on the very first execution to be scheduled in South Dakota since 1947:

South Dakota is facing the first execution in our state since 1947. At the end of August, inmate Elijah Page is scheduled for execution by lethal injection at the South Dakota Penitentiary.

We recognize the concerns of the family and friends of the victims and we pray that they will continue to receive healing through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We acknowledge the pain and outrage that comes with violent crime and mourn with all who have lost loved ones. Let us continue to provide support to the victims and foster healing.

Yet, the Catechism teaches us that when modern society has the ability to protect and defend itself by non-lethal means, by rendering the unjust aggressor incapable of further harm, then the state authority should limit itself to such non-violent means; further, the instances in which it is absolutely necessary for the state to execute the offender “are very rare, if not practically non-existent”. (Catechism of the Catholic Church # 2267)

As a society, we must seek solutions to crime that respect the dignity of every human life, including the hardened criminal, and preserve justice in this state through non-violent means. Having Elijah Page live in prison for the rest of his life is a just punishment that is in conformity with the common good, the dignity of the human person, and a decision that will help defeat the culture of death permeating our society. For more information, please visit:


Please contact Governor Rounds and request that he intercede and prevent the execution of Elijah Page. Governor Round’s contact information is available on the South Dakota page of the CAN website at And please pass this email through your networks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess it is neccessary to execute if a person is continuing to be a danger to others, as MANY prisoners are, killing guards and other inmates, committing rapes etc. What do we know about his record? That is completely missing.

Article's should contain the who, what where why and when...

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