
Thursday, August 3, 2006

New Mystery Book of the Bible Unearthed, Then Found To Be Already In Old Testament

I think the Ironic Catholic has been peeking over my shoulder. I have suspected for some time that she might be a neighbor, due to her familiar weather complaints and fishing tales, but now I'm sure about it. She must live close by.

Just last month I decided to get serious about my Bible reading and I popped out and got myself a set of tabs for my 40 year old copy of the Jerusalem Bible. I read a bit of the instructions and kinda did a good job of putting on the tabs except for Numbers and Habbakuk where I have glued a couple of pages to each other. Well Numbers is nothing but "begats" so I figure I'll probably never read that one, but wouldn't you know what book that the I.C. has decided to write about this morning . . . . That's right, Habbakuk!

Hebron, Israel: Biblical archeologists announced last week that a new book of the Bible has been found on a preserved scroll in a remote cave three kilometers from the current site of Hebron, Israel.

"Fascinating material," pronounced American Benjamin Tandelli, the lead excavator. "Clearly a dark vision, apocalyptic in tone, full of despair and doubt, and lyrical in trusting the grandeur of God. It seems to me a worthy companion to recent discoveries of biblical era material, such as the Gospel of Judas and other secret texts."

Tandelli's enthusiasm was brought to a screeching halt two days later when the unnamed scroll was identified as the Book of Habakkuk, which is already in the Old Testament.
[snip] Read it all, and Smile

1 comment:

The Ironic Catholic said...

Hee hee. I'm no spy, really.

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