
Friday, April 28, 2006

City Pages' Best Fish Fry - St. Albert's, South Minneapolis

Save this for next Lent!

2836 33rd Avenue South

The Lent tradition of the Friday fish fry doesn't water every mouth in town—this is Minnesota after all, not Milwaukee—but even without any real competition, St. Albert's fish fry sets a standard that would be hard to beat in any state. First of all, there's the gambling: raffle drawings every 10 minutes, plus bingo every other week. Then there's the food itself, a steal at eight bucks. It's all about the options (a funny thing to say about a Catholic church, but we digress): two kinds of fish, fried and baked. Hash browns or French fries. Free seconds. A tableful of desserts at no extra charge, courtesy of the parish's tireless grandmothers (by the look of the crowd, there's a lot of 'em). And for the pesca-phobes of the group, the as-godly meatless spaghetti is served in heaps. The only downside is that it all ends at Easter. Forty days just isn't enough time for this much cod.

And by next Lent, it is rumored that Father Joe from the Basilica will be the new pastor. Now that will be a really vibrant parish!

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