
Sunday, April 9, 2006

Hmmm. Ret'd Bishop Gumbleton was on the Road Again! A Miracle Cure?

Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton of Detroit told about 350 people in a crowded Milwaukee church Saturday that the Vatican's recent document barring most homosexuals from Catholic seminaries was a hurtful step backward. [Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal] Bishop Gumbleton's required retirement letter was accepted unusually quickly by Rome after his 75th birthday.

The really interesting part of this story here is that the Bishop's appearance at the Basilica in Minneapolis scheduled for March 28 was cancelled according the announcement from the "ambo" (boy, do I hate that word) that he was ill and his physicians ordered no travelling. And there he was on April 8th speaking to "Call to Action", in Milwaukee!

Do you suppose that a miracle cure had been performed by a member of that dissenting national lay organization that aspires to take over the management of the Church? Or was the Basilica deemed to be not liberal enough for the retired auxiliary bishop?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is this "really interesting" to you? You don't think it is remotely possible that between March 28 and April 8 he actually got better and was able to travel all the way from Detroit to Milwaukee after a 10+ day rest, do you?

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