
Thursday, May 11, 2006

"The Church and Bus Wrecks"

AbecedariusRex at the Primary Educators League discusses the TAT program and various complications:

Lately there have been many comparisons drawn between the Talking About Touching program's abuse prevention section and the other safety sections in the same program. Indeed, why isn't sex-abuse prevention exactly like teaching street crossing safety or bus safety or open safety blade safety? The answer to such scintillating questions lies beyond my power as a miserable teacher of philosophy. However, I would pose a counter question.

The nature of Catholic education has always purported to be the leading of souls to comprehend the reality of the Divine world such that they might have the tools to respond to that world's reality in their lives. In essence, Catholic education is distinct from every other educational system in that it seeks to make people holy, not just well trained widget turners. Consequently, one might wonder whether training in bathroom safety or fire escape safety is essential to a Catholic education. Such training might not be very Catholic at all, but it might be real, or so some have said. Nevertheless, such courses seem extraneous to the nature of Catholic education. [snip]
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