
Saturday, May 13, 2006

On "The Interview" this week the BBC's Carrie Gracie meets anti-abortion campaigner Greg Koukl

Since 1973, and even a bit before, sadly abortion has become a common practice in this country and around the world. The Catholic Church and anti-abortion advocates were pretty much caught by surprise when the U.S. Supreme Court in its Roe v. Wade decision gave judicial approval to a practice that was a crime in every state and had not been extensively debated by the public or legislators.

Over the years, it has been seen that the general media, in this country and world wide with very few exceptions, has sided with the modern, pragmatic attitude that the wishes of the mother should be respected and neither government nor religious institutions shall interfere with the choice to abort the child in the womb (with some limitations).

That is why I was startled an hour or so ago (about 3:45 a.m.) to be awakened by my radio tuned to the BBC World Service on my local public radio station which was an uninterrupted fast-paced interview with a very articulate and well-prepared anti-abortion campaigner and radio talk show host Greg Koukl. [I generally leave my radio on all night].

The internet informed me after the program was over that Koukl is founder of
Stand To Reason - a Christian evangelical organization dedicated to the articulation and defense of the Christian worldview.

Giving such an amount of free air time to the anti-abortion position is not something that I have come to expect, especially out of a European governmental organization.

Check out the BBC World Service's The Interview and listen to Koukl and also well-prepared interviewer Carrie Gracie, respectfully discuss this vital issue for about a half hour. If you don't see the program listed prominently, check out their Listen Again feature on the bottom right of the page and you can access the program at your convenience in their archives.

In addition to the Greg Koukl interview, you will find many other fine BBC programs there available for your learning and listening pleasure.

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