
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Awake sleeper . . . .

Awake sleeper, see this dawning,
the original Rule come home from afar ,
souls afire, bright their life,
shining through Morning Star .

Awake sleeper! It is time to awaken. It is time for fervor seeking the things of God rather than of the earth. The times are short until God will intervene in human history. Blessed are those who are prepared for these times.

The original Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis, Memoriale Propositi, ideally should be lived in its fullness by all secular people. Or some equivalent and demanding spiritually committed lifestyle. The Rule of 1221, Memoriale Propositi, is the lifestyle of the Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis (BSP) for those who profess to it. It is the basis of the entire Stella Matutina, that is, Morning Star, movement which began in the Secular Franciscan Order and has now become the way of life of the BSP outside of that Order.

Many are those returning to the disciplines of the First Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis. In the BSP and other Associations today. Hopefully one day the Secular Franciscan Order will take it again as their way of life, for it is of their heritage. It is a bright and holy way of life. Very demanding, and very much ongoing. For those who profess to live it the disciplines of the Rule as regards prayer, fasting, abstinence, and simplicity of lifestyle become the way they live. The original Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis, which was lived for centuries, has come to life again in the BSP. A way to live, given to us by St. Francis, that calls us to live our commitment to our Faith to the full, and leads to heaven. Blessed be the Lord! Thank you for this gift!

“Come and see!”

Stella Matutina; The Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St Francis. Visit their blog. Visit their Minnesota website.

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