
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hey Joe!

Patrick Madrid has a new blog, here
And of course, Patrick's Envoy Magazine, is "Our Sponsor" today.



Anonymous said...

who thinks of this trash? a half naked woman telling her boyfriend who is running around in his underware to read ENVOY?

ENVOY is the word of God?

Don't be ridiculous

Anonymous said...

If "Envoy" would help, it's worth the try. Also: "Catholicism for Dummies" by Father John Trigilio now available at reduced price.

Good people, desperate moments call for desperate measures. Our bishops have let us down, bigtime, so we must act like those "very stones" that cry out and do our personal best to keep the Boat afloat.


Unknown said...

This cartoon strip is three or four years old. Patrick gave me permission to use it. I think it's pretty funny, and to the point that William makes.

Catholics haven't been catechized, and most don't even know or care that there are many things they should know about their faith.

Envoy is a good magazine; "Catholicism for Dummies" is wonderful.

Another good free source are the This Rock magazines that can be downloaded from the Catholic Answers sites ( They are back issues, each one devoted to a single topic.

There is a lot of free apologetics information available also at the Bible Christian Society (.com).

Minnesotan Jeff Cavins' Great Adventure Bible Study Program that is offered live or on video in parishes has been seen at thousands of parishes across the country. Check out where it is being offered right now:

Our bishops and priests have let us down, but there are a tremendous number of laypeople who have been stepping up to fill the gap in the breach of the Christian line.

And the bishops and priests are catching on to the fact that many young Catholics are starting show an interest in their faith.

Anonymous said...

I think it's hysterical!! It is obviously a spoof of the old ads in comic books that promised the wimpy boy on the beach that if he used their product he would no longer get beaten up (or have his girl stolen) by the macho muscle-builder guy, because he, too, would have muscles of power! LOL

Cute idea. The first "anonymous" here needs to lighten up, me thinks!

Unknown said...


You're too young to remember those "kick sand in your face" and "97 pound weakling" ads for the Charles Atlas Muscle Building System.

When I take over the world, people without a sense of humor will not be allowed access to the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Teehee, I look forward to when you pass that law, Ray!

And yes, you're right, I am a bit young to have lived during those days when those ads in comics were popular, but just as that doesn't stop me from learning about it, so it should be for everybody. Folks like anonymous would do well to learn a little Americana pop-history!

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