
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Monday we should remember our area's first "Venerable", Father Solanus Casey

Monday is the day Fr. Solanus (Bernard "Barney" Casey died, July 31, 1957. When he is canonized I'm sure his feastday would not supplant that of St. Ignatius of Loyola (whose feast is July 31) and therefore his would be celebrated on July 30th. He is declared Venerable, therefore we may be assured he is in heaven and may ask his intercession.
This humble priest was the instrument for countless miracles and graces in his lifetime, obtained for the average working person whom he counseled as his role as porter for the monastery. He himself had worked hard before entering the monastery. He was a guard at Stillwater State Prison not far from the Twin Cities. A street car conductor in Superior, Wisconsin. He worked as a hospital orderly and for a while as a logger- that's really hard work. Born in 1870, he grew up near Prescott Wisconsin on a farm. At twenty one he entered the Capuchin Franciscans, finding studies for the priesthood extremely difficult. (The classes were in German and Latin, language was not his forte.) When ordained he was designated a "simplex priest", meaning he could celebrate Mass, but neither preach or hear confessions, except in case of emergencies. His life was lived pretty much as a lay-brother. He was transferred throughout the Province, in part because of the large crowds who came to see him at all hours, asking for prayer and advice; but most of all due to his poor health. Fr. Solanus died at the friary in Detroit, July 31, 1957, fifty three years to the day of his ordination.
[snip] Read More from Terry at "Rome-ing Catholics"

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