
Sunday, July 2, 2006

Terry IS the only guy blogging this long holiday weekend!

Terry of Abbey-Roads, who apparently is the only guy blogging this long Fourth of July (and if you don't like to eat, Here, too) weekend, reminisces about old movies and customers who walk into the store.

I seem to be the only nut case blogging on this holiday weekend. So what's my deal? It is hot out, I'm on vacation and I'm avoiding repairing a statue for a client, or finishing a painting, along with mowing the lawn and painting the trim on my house. And I feel guilty - High Anxiety! (Which, by the way, I finally found the video. I watched it and it just isn't as funny as I remembered it - although still enjoyable. The characters are so great and the parody on Hitchcock films is wonderful. I owe many of my lines at work to this film - "These are desperately sick people we're dealing with here!" when defending my crew from criticism. Or, "My father is just as sane as I am!" when my management style is questioned.) [snip] More

What about ME, you ask? Me? I'm not blogging, I'm reporting!

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