
Sunday, August 13, 2006

Fly WHAT as a Jaybird?

Desperate, our practical blogger at Desparate Irish Housewife, has had it with TSA full body searches. She has come up with a real solution.

In light of the new security measures at our airports. DIH announces she is accepting investors in a company that will make us all rich as oil sheiks.

Why be encumbered by carry-on, anyway. Why be encumbered at all?

Announcing Jaybird Air.

We Americans are sick and tired of security checks we wouldn't need if we did some halfway intelligent profiling anyway. We're tired of having our time wasted with special random security checks for five year old girls travelling with their parents, like the one they pulled on my daughter last Christmas. We are fed up with overweight jerks confiscating the incredibly cool Swiss Army knifes we've had since we were twelve.

And now they want our lipgloss, too? Enough is enough!

Jaybird Air will set the traveller free from all that. JA will set the traveller freer than he or she ever dreamed of being. We will eliminate carry-on of EVERY stripe. You won't even have to carry on the clothes on your back, because they won't be on your back any more. Stroll through the metal detector with complete peace of mind, unless you've got one of those artificial knee things. [snip] Read what else Desperate has in mind for us at Jaybird Air.

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