
Tuesday, August 1, 2006

In the Cemetery: Sr Liz's Grave


Sister Edith of St Scholastica Monastery who blogs at Monastic Musings: All of us at the monastery are on retreat, spending extra time in silence and contemplation. My thoughts carried me outside and up to the cemetery after lunch, in spite of the 90 degree weather (yes, even in Duluth).

A few weeks ago, we buried Sister Liz Holland. She was remarkable in many ways, not the least of which was to leaving behind a rendition her song-paraphrase, "The Convent Made a Lady Out of Lizzie" so we heard her singing at her own wake. She taught grade school for many years, but eventually wanted a change, and asked to try her hand at cooking. She became much beloved at a residential school for special-needs children for all the special treats she made. She loved to make "rock people" out of smooth stones carefully chosen so that each one had its own personality.
It IS good that the cemetery is so close by. Just as it takes time for the grass to grow on Sister Liz's grave, so it takes time for a community to adjust to change. No one can ever replace the sister who is gone. But perhaps her grave reminds us that we each have to absorb just a little of Sister Liz's spirit, and try to pass along a smile to the next one we meet.

After all, isn't that what the communion of saints is all about?
[snip] Monastic Musings

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