
Sunday, August 6, 2006

Jeff Cavins: Great Adventure Bible Timeline Seminar, August 12

Holy Name of Jesus Church
155 County Road 24, Wayzata, MN 55391 -- 763-463-7901

Saturday, August 12, 2006 -- 8:30a.m.- 4:40p.m.

Through this fast paced and compelling tour of God's miraculous story of salvation history, you will gain a greater understanding of the various themes, persons and events that form the history of God's interacting with man.

The Great Adventure Bible Study Seminar teaches you the simplest way to approach the Bible by identifying a list of books that tell the story from start to finish. You will begin with them, reading them chronologically so as to get the “big picture.” When we remove the books that duplicate information, there are twelve such books in the Old Testament and, for the sake of simplicity, two in the New Testament. Anyone who reads these fourteen books will have a rough sequential knowledge of the history of the people of Israel and the beginnings of the Christian Church.

Reading through the Bible historically can be compared to laying down fourteen segments of track for a train trip. As you travel along the historical route of the Bible, the teaching office of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, acts as a conductor explaining what you are seeing.

Registration $35; includes lunch

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