
Thursday, September 7, 2006

1,000 Gather at St Cloud's First Annual Ministry Day

On Aug. 24, that “Great Minnesota Get-together,” the Minnesota State Fair, opened its gates in St. Paul. And that’s fine, if you like eating greasy fried chocolate-coated pickles or candy bars on a stick.

On the same day, Aug. 24 — about 60 miles or so upstream, Mississippi-wise — another great get-together was taking place — “the great diocesan get-together.” The St. Cloud Diocese was conducting its first annual Diocesan Ministry Day at the St. Cloud Civic Center.

Not a pickle on a stick was in sight. But there was a pack of people — more than 950 of them — absorbing stacks of information and inspiration, and taking stock of just how to best serve the people of God in their parishes and schools.

Indeed, people involved in all facets of Catholic education, pastoral ministry and religious life were present at the event, attending breakout workshop sessions, gleaning wisdom from keynote presenter Msgr. Ray East (see story right), and worshipping and visiting together.

People who organized the event said the day was very well received.
“We heard nothing but positive comments,” said Linda Kaiser, director of the diocese’s Catholic Education Ministries. She added that participants seemed to enjoy the notion of so many people coming together in unity.

In addition to the keynote presentation workshops and Mass with Bishop John Kinney presiding, the day consisted of lunch, exhibits, closing ritual and a social.

Jolaine Jennissen, a youth minister at St. Mary Parish in Alexandria, said she was impressed by the many people of the diocese who attended.
“It’s great to have our diocese together,” she said.

Robert Doyle of St. Mary School in Melrose said the Diocesan Ministry Day was “awesome,” with its gathering together of all the various elements of the diocese-wide faith community.
“We are one,” he said.

Among those who said they would take home inspirational insight was Father Gerald Mischke, pastor of the Five Parish Faith Community of parishes in St. Wendel, St. Anna, Opole and Holdingford. The day provided a great variety of workshops, he said, and was “wonderful for all.”

Breakout sessions covered a variety of topics, including stem cell research, the Second Vatican Council, sacramental record keeping and helping students become better learners.

Joanne Hillesheim, who teaches first grade at SS. Peter, Paul and Michael Elementary School in St. Cloud, said she found the “praying with children” workshop very helpful and “very practical,” in that participants learned the many ways children pray and advice on how to invite children to enrich their relationship with God.

Ro Ann Trout, a teacher at Sacred Heart School in Staples, said she got great ideas from a reading workshop she attended. She also found out that she was already practicing a technique that increases fluency — reading aloud to students.

Jolaine Jennissen attended a workshop titled “Co-workers in the Vineyard,” which addressed the U.S. bishops’ 2005 document on lay ecclesial ministry. She learned more about the expansion of lay ministers’ roles in the church and the increased recognition and validation they are receiving as a result.

After attending a breakout session titled, “If you’re too busy to laugh, you’re too busy,” Millie Moran, a member of St. Francis Xavier in Sartell, learned to be more conscious of smiling, she said.

The speaker of that workshop, Karla Heeter, talked about how people’s facial expressions affect those around them, and how aging can depend on how much time one spends laughing.
The theme of Diocesan Ministry Day was “One in the Spirit: Voice of Hope.”

During Mass, an offering was collected for the Caritas Mental Health Clinic, a program of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud. Sponsors at the Diocesan Ministry Day were Harcourt Religion Publishers; Liturgical Press; The Cunneen Company; Houghton Mifflin Co.; RCL Resources for Christian Living; RSI Catholic Services Group; and William H. Sadlier, Inc. Sponsoring speakers were Silver Burdett Ginn; Oregon Catholic Press; Harcourt Religion Publishers, and William H. Sadlier; Inc.
St Cloud Visitor

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