
Friday, September 1, 2006

ACLU, denying successes, continues to oppose single sex classrooms

Tim Drake, occasional blogger from St Joseph and Senior Writer for the National Catholic Register, has an interesting article on the growing use of sex segregated classrooms in public schools around the country, despite ACLU opposition.

Boys-only and girls-only schools have been growing in popularity. The ACLU wants to stop that.

Some 223 public schools across the country offer single-sex classrooms, and more would like to pursue the option. But the American Civil Liberties Union is threatening to sue to stop the trend from growing in places like Baton Rouge.
As federal regulations change, the ACLU will have plenty of single-sex classes to fight against. The numbers have already increased dramatically since 1998, when only four public schools had them. It is set to increase much more.
“Boys and girls learn in profoundly different ways,” said Leonard Sax, director of the National Association for Single Sex Public Education, and author of the book Why Gender Matters (Random House, 2005).

“If you ignore those differences you end up reinforcing gender stereotypes,” he said.

“Therefore, you end up with fewer girls studying math, computers and physical science and fewer boys studying languages and art.” [snip] Read More

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