
Friday, October 20, 2006

University of Minnesota Set to Bash Catholicism

How can any respectable university consider blasphemy academic freedom? Well, the Department of Theatre Arts and Dance of the University of Minnesota plans to stage a blasphemous play called The Pope and the Witch starting on March 1, 2007.

According to The New York Times: “The witch, in nun's habit, turns up as an aide to the doctor summoned to treat the pope, and before long the Holy Father is seized with a paralytic affliction that, among other names, is known as ‘a crucifixion stroke,’ leaving him with his arms outstretched.”

The Yale Herald further states: “The blasphemy aspect of the production adds another layer of prickly humor…”

To sign a quick personal e-protest,
click here now

Academic freedom run amok

The Pope and the Witch is unmistakably anti-Catholic. Its communist author, Dario Fo, mocks Catholic hierarchy and morality. The Pope figure in the play is a greedy heroin-addict according to press reports. Among other gross distortions, the Church is responsible for world poverty and hunger because of its doctrine against abortion and contraception.

Italian playwright Dario Fo, a long-time member of the Communist Party, is well known for his subversive work against religion and family. In 1983, he was denied entry into the United States for the second time. And the Vatican called his 1977 broadcast of Mistero Buffo “the most blasphemous show in the history of television.”

Catholic-bashing is not education

Catholicism is under attack more and more frequently. The trend is alarming. While The Da Vinci Code was blasphemy disguised as “fiction,” The Pope and the Witch is sacrilegious Catholic-bashing hiding under the hazy catch-phrase of “academic freedom.” Others defend the sacrilegious production because it fosters “dialogue.”

More contradictions abound. The University of Minnesota Board of Regents adopted a policy in 1995 that seeks to establish a climate free from “prejudice” or “intolerance,” which acknowledges “religious” values. If this policy is followed, then why is the Catholic Faith being abusively targeted?

Join the peaceful protest

Please sign your instant e-mail protest to the University of Minnesota president Robert Bruininks. Demand the cancellation of the blasphemous play.

You can be even more effective: After you sign your protest, give the president’s office a call. Be polite and firm. Tell him how you feel. Ask him to respect the Pope and the Holy Catholic Faith.Call the president’s office at 612-626-1616.

You would do a good deed if you send this protest alert to your friends and acquaintances. We can make a big impact together. Remember: TFP Student Action recently stopped a showing of The Da Vinci Code movie at Saint Francis College. After another protest, The Cavalier Daily newspaper at the University of Virginia also apologized and removed two offensive cartoons from their web site.

Be a part of this campaign today! Here is what you can do!

1. Send a protest protest to Robert Bruininks, President of the University of Minnesota, by clicking here.

2. Email this page to all your friends.

3. Make a financial contribution to TFP Student Action, to aid its efforts in defense of Holy Mother Church.

Peaceful protests work. So sign your protest now. Just
click here.

To send respectful personal letters, contact:

University of Minnesota
Mr. Robert Bruininks, President
202 Morrill Hall
100 Church Street S.E.
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-626-1616
Fax: 612-625-3875

The Pope and the Witch performance director:
Prof. Robert Rosen
Department of Theatre Arts and Dance

University of Minnesota Foundation
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Mr. Fred R. Friswold, CEO

Tonka Equipment Company
13305 Watertower Circle
Plymouth, Minnesota 55441
Phone: 763-559-283
7Fax: 763-559-1979

University of Minnesota announces the play here:

1. THEATER REVIEW; A Nemesis Converts the Pope by Lawrence Van Gelder (05-18-2000)

2. The Yale Herald, Humor (and more than a little blasphemy) blesses “Pope” (10-31-1996)

3. University of Minnesota Unapologetic About “Pure Hate Speech”, Anti-Catholic Play (09-13-2006)

4. Dario Fo (CNN Special of 1997)

For More Information on TFP Student Action and the U of MN Protest:

Who We Are
Online Publications
TFP Viewpoint
What We Do
Student Action


Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for this information on how one can protest against the Pope and the Witch outrage. I appreciate your posting it. God bless!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank YOU for visiting and reading this. Please pass on this information to your relatives and friends.

If you would like to be informed about protest activities, send me an email (you can find my address in my profile). You name or email will not be revealed. Messages would be sent "blind copy" (bcc).

Anonymous said...

I have been reading about this "Pope and the Witch" play the U is putting on. How are you planning on protesting?

Unknown said...

There are no plans at present to demonstrate when TP&TW is performed at the U.

They have indicated that they will sponsor a forum at which some may be in attendance and participate.

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