
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Vatican Government Sacks Pope For Wearing Cross In Public Spaces

The Christian world was shocked to its religious roots, today, when the Catholic Church announced that Pope Benedict XVI had been sacked for wearing a cross at work. The Pope had apparently been warned before that the likely consequence of his blatant and outrageous behaviour would result in his dismissal, but he refused to stop wearing his cross on principle.

His holiness had taken his case to an industrial tribunal, but his appeal was rejected on the grounds that the cross was seen as a Christian symbol and as such might give offence to other religious groups.

Senior members of the Vatican announced today that the Pope had been told not to discus the matter with the media and it is thought that his refusal to comply brought about his dismissal.

Supporters of the Pontiff openly expressed their anger today and a vigil was set up. Angry supporters said that it was unfair that other religious leaders were allowed to wear turbans, headscarves and bangles.

The Pope, a devout Christian, said that he would take his case to the European Court for Human Rights, although there seems little hope of success.

A similar case brought about by a British airline check-in operator resulted in her dismissal and at a subsequent trial at the Old Bailey, she was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The Pope has made a personal plea to Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, to help him in appealing against the decision. Hat Tip to Joanna

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