
Sunday, January 7, 2007

Introducing the Most Noble Title of Raymond the Charitable

Inneth his absence, thine hostesses, the most honourable Baroness Cathy Of Alex the Sublunary of St Winifred by Winchelsea, and Her Royal Highness Adoro the Complex of Hoptonshire by Leer , do present to thou O devoted Catholic scholars, the formal title of our most noble brother:

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Milord Earl Raymond the Convincing of Old Tonbridge Wafers
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Do present thine most esteemed comments at the guestbook below and payeth him thine tokens of verbal esteem. This man, favoured by God, defender of our most Divine faith, deserveth thy thanks. We hopeth that the referenced computer of his Nobility, Milord Earl Raymond, willeth be repairedeth soon, thus that he may passeth on the great gift of relevant verbiage to thou, O faithful Catholics.

(No, neither Baronness Cathy of Alex nor myself, Her Highness Adoro the Complex, partake in great quantities of intoxicating beverage; rather, we take grateful advantage of the absence of our brother along with humourous offerings with which to entertain thee more, thus keeping thy attention upon his noble offerings, so much that thou wilt return to gaze upon Milord's next faithful observation.)

God Blesseth Thee and Thou on this great Feast of the Epiphany


Cathy_of_Alex said...

Greetynges Milord Earl Raymond the Convincing of Old Tonbridge Wafers!

Ich nam pleaseth thou hath returneth.

Anonymous said...

I can't read auld english.
What's with the titles - is it because of my celebrity photos of myself? I want a title now. Maybe I could be a prince or something, king would be nice.
I do think you guys are drinkers:)

Anonymous said...

Sir Raymond, may the angels protect thy computer from possession and seizures.

Thou reader,

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