Day 2: The Pope and the Witch
100 Men in Black Sing Hymns and Pray in front of Site of UofMN Dramatic Travesty
If you have keen eyesight, you will note that the handsome bespectacled and be-scarfed gentleman behind the two be-surpliced SJV seminarians on the right is the the author of this humble attempt. One of the problems with sopranos is that they are short but a bit of them might be seen behind the second surplice from the right.Even without good eyesight, you should be able to note that in 20 degree temperature, those four men held their SJV banners with bare hands, virtually motionless, for 45 minutes, two nights in a row. I would say that they should be exempted from all further classes and they should be ordained this Spring, before their hands fall off. (Photo courtesy of Veritatis Splendor, see below)The Catholic blogging community around here is blessed with fine writers, fine demonstrators and even demonstrators who can sing soprano. So I will let them report on Saturday's second performance of The Pope and the Witch at the University of Minnesota's Rarig Center: Cathy of Alex, a research librarian when she is not blogging at Recovering Dissident Catholic, has been blogging up a storm on this play. She even made the ultimate sacrifice and paid money to see it. About Last Night...; Friday night, outside, before the performance; 5 comments
Oh, What a Night!; Saturday night, outside, before the performance, 7 comments
Our second soprano blogger, though she admitted she was out of practice, Adoro Te Devote, blogging at a site carrying that name, an investigator, and a Theology Graduate Student, called "Crusty" or "Leviticus" by her pals, managed to toss off a few comments about the play also. Holy Protest!; Saturday night, outside, before the performance; 12 comments
Finally, the third soprano blogger showed, up, digital camera in hand to document the evening. Veritatis Splendor, world famous in her alter ego as the Roamin' Roman for her photographs when she spent a year in Rome, supposedly studying. No one could figure how she found the time to study after view dozens of views of churches, shrines, tombs and vistas daily during that period. Even though she has "given up blogging for Lent, she is a liberal in interpreting the Lenten rules and decided that "Sunday is not Lent, at least for blogging, so she reported today. See her photos Here Click on them and they will become significantly larger and probably even larger if you have photo manipulation software.
"Our second soprano blogger, though she admitted she was out of practice, Adoro Te Devote..."
Ray! Are you saying I'm a bad soprano? I didn't think I was THAT bad! LOL!
May God hear your prayers and sacrifice! Keep up the great work. Y'all are in my prayers!
Hey, I object for 2 reasons: #1 I'm not a soprano, I'm an alto. #2 I'm the only one who gets away with calling Adoro Crusty.
Way to go on the coverage, Ray. Glad you all were there to provide witness!
Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on this horrible attack on our faith. God hears all our prayers.
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