
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Instead of complaining, how 'bout calling your TV station to recommend a program!

Many of us have written letters to the editor or called TV stations to complain about programs for one reason or another. Here is an opportunity to contact your local NBC TV affiliate to ask them to show an hour-long television special on this Easter Sunday that will introduce viewers to some adults who became Catholics through the RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program.

“Come to the Water: The Adult Journey to Baptism” follows a fascinating group of people through the year-round RCIA process of adult education and initiation into the Catholic community, culminating with their baptism at the Easter Vigil. Filmed on location in the Pacific Northwest and in the breath-taking interior of Seattle’s St. James Cathedral during 2004, the program is a vibrant and moving experience of the adult spiritual journey.

The reasons those featured in the program chose to join the Catholic Church are as varied as their previous religious experience, says Helen Oesterle, director of the RCIA program at the Cathedral of St. James. Among the new Catholics are former atheists, Buddhists, individuals from Jewish backgrounds and others from Protestant traditions.

“Sometimes people come because they’re getting married to a Catholic or they’re married to a Catholic. That’s probably 20 percent of the group,” says Oesterle. “We also have people who come because a co-worker or friend is Catholic and they just started going to Mass with them.” [...snip] USCCB


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