
Monday, April 30, 2007

New Bloggers in Our Region

When I started Stella Borealis a little over a year ago, one of my original intentions was to promote the local bloggers who have been doing such great work. I've done a bit of that, but I've become lax and haven't done much for a long time. Although I have added them to my sidebar, not necessarily as soon as I've heard about them.

Most of my regular visitors probably are familiar with the familiar "stars" of our area, most of whom were there at the beginning before I started blogging in March, 2006.

Here is a list of most of those who weren't there at the beginning. Check them out and blame me if they wonder why you didn't stop by sooner. And don't forget us oldtimers, too. Check us out on the Stella Borealis sidebar.

Basso Family, Anne, Minnesota

Believe and Profess - Dan, Twin Cities

Butterfly Net - Clairity, MN

Catholic Geek....For God and Others, Phil, Minnesota

A Catholic Harvest - Paula, MN - Home School

Catholic Wife and Mom - Twin Cities

Christian Democracy - Richard, Twin Cities

Debate, Relate & Pontificate - samrocha, Maple Grove, MN

Dogpatch of the North, Gerald, South Range, WI

Drama Unfolds Here, Erin Marie, Minnetonka

Father Dennis, Dubuque, IA

Hello, Blog World, Bethski, Grand Forks ND

My Perfect Weakness - Anne, MN

Orbis Catholicus - John Paul, MN, studying in Rome

Our Lady's Tears - Sanctus Belle, Diocese of Winona

Quantitative Metathesis, Female Graduate Student, St Paul

Recovering Dissident Catholic - Cathy of Alex, St Paul

Reflections and Revelations, Study of the Theology of the Body - Tiffany, Minnesota

So Many Devotions...So Little Time - Jayne, MN

Somewhere Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Jen, UST, St Paul

Standing Thunder - Geometricus, Twin Cities

Therapeutic Preoccupation, Tiffany, Minnesota

Vocations Views, Father Todd, New Ulm

1 comment:

Terry Nelson said...

Ray, I'm kind of a new blogger - that's okay - you don't have to list me.

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