
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Bible Readings for May 9

"Daily Bread" from the Dominican "Preachers' Exchange"

Wed., May 9: Acts 15:1-6; John 15:1-8

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you.

For the next three days we will hear about one of the first dissensions in the church, resolved at what is called the Council of Jerusalem. The question concerned the necessary requirements for a Gentile to become a Christian. Should they, in fact, first be Jews — that is circumcised and bound to the old law? This was a major fork in the road for the early church and it would be interesting to fantasize what would have happened had the Apostles taken the other road. There are perhaps such significant questions before our church today. I am thinking of divorced people who seek entrance into the church, the question of married priests, the question of the role of women. All of these are questions of “cult meets culture” and require discernment, humility, and courage. For the church and the leaders of the church as we discern the path that will lead us all to the kingdom of God.

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