
Monday, May 14, 2007

You don't think you're called to be a Priest? These men didn't either.

The USCCB has published a list of comments from Seminarians who will be ordained this year relating to their vocation. Have you been putting off your vocation? Read these and the rest of them Here.

…didn't go to Catholic school and was never an altar boy. to watch the Food Network

…was a practicing physician (radiologist) before entering the seminary.

…enjoy riding roller coasters and visiting theme parks… I also love to create things, such as models and sculptures, as well as designing and renovating spaces in homes, libraries, etc.

…was terrified of public speaking during my high school days.

…taught history dressed up as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison for my job as an historical interpreter at the American Village in Montevallo, Alabama.

…have completed 9 marathons in the last 6 years. I love to play golf and follow the Boston Red Sox. While in the seminary I have continued to play (men's leagues) and coach hockey (high school).

…am a reservist in the United States Navy Chaplain Corps. graduate of the Juilliard School and performed with many symphony orchestras in the New York area. I played the Double Bass for the Long Island Philharmonic for 13 years before entering the seminary

…enjoy extreme skating, once installed & maintained a supercomputer at a large university.

…originally went to college with the hopes of becoming the following before entering seminary: a veterinarian, then a bio-chemical research scientist, then a theology professor.

...was named a vice-president at an advertising agency just as I finally realized that my true vocation was to the priesthood…Once I stopped resisting God's will for me and began to trust, I found peace. I have never been happier.

…graduated from a cooking school as a gastronome. I worked as a dietician, then a food warehouse manager, and finally a chef in a huge resort clinic-spa in the most famous resort town in Poland, Krynica-Zdroj(Springs-Spa).

…was married and have three grownup children and they are very supportive of my call to the priesthood.

…tried out for the Texas A&M football team and earned a B.S. in Meteorology from Texas A&M.

…am a cancer survivor.

…was an art director for a sportswear company…

…love dancing and am good at it.

…am the first seminarian to study for the Diocese of Fairbanks who is from the diocese.

…lived in Egypt and travled extensively when working in oil field exploration and earned the job title Engineer with no formal engineering studies.

...have 9 brothers and sisters and 41 nephews and nieces

...had 2 car accidents within a year, totaled the vehicles both times and walked away unscathed

...restored an 1860 log cabin and use it for a retreat cottage for myself and others

…was a very successful businessman prior to coming to the seminary.

…hated going to Catholic school as a kid and almost left the Church in college.

…used to own a hot-air balloon company.

…have a pilot’s license and enjoy flying single engine planes.

…spent 16 years in the Air Force…I had a serious motorcycle accident requiring head surgery in the first week of 1st Theology and was back in class one week later.

…worked for a thoroughbred trade publication as managing editor of an investor newsletter that analyzed the racing and auction performance of stallions' offspring.

…graduated from the University of Notre Dame Law School…served as Editor-in-Chief of the Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy…been an Op-Ed contributor to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, as well as to Commonweal Magazine, America Magazine, and, among other publications.

…was not sure if I was going to remain Catholic when I first entered college seminary…after Theology 101, Introduction to the Catechism, spending time in Adoration, and a homily on John 6, I then KNEW that the Catholic Church was the true Church and that I could never leave Her.

…am a lifer in that I have been in the Seminary system since HS.

…was born at home, delivered by my father. I was premature and almost did not survive, and the doctors did not expect me to survive…I was baptised in the hospital.

…was an olympic hopeful in the sport of Curling

…am a pilot, a professional baseball umpire, and I love computers

…am the only Catholic in my entire family, over six generations, still today.

…spent 10 years as a mascot for the annual Pig Bowl, wearing a Pig costume.

…in high school, declared myself an agnostic and abondoned the Catholic faith altogether…After experiencing a reawakening of my Catholic faith at the age of twenty eight, especially through the forgivness of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of Penance and His Real Presence in the Eucharist, I began to hear anew God's calling to the priesthood.

…was a diocesan seminarian from Vietnam. After the fall of Saigon, my seminary was closed, I tried to escape Vietnam to continue my vocation. But I was caught and put in labor camp for six months. Tip O' the Hat to the Curt Jester!.

1 comment:

Sanctus Belle said...

This is one of your best posts Ray...great to hear about the lives of soon to be priests prior to seminary. Keep 'em coming!

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