
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Index to "Father Z's" Analysis of Reactions to "Summorum Pontificum" Document that Authorizes Greater Use of the 1962 Latin Mass

Updated July 20

Those of you who have been following the reaction to Pope Benedict's release of the Motu Proprio last weekend are well aware that Father Z is the man to see when you want information as to what is going on. Fortunately, or unfortunately, there are so many posts over there on his blog, W.D.T.P.R.S., I decided to do a quickie index that I will attempt to keep up once a week or so as long as there seems to be interest, by me, if nobody else.

Father Z, a good St Agnes boy, fluent, to say the least, in Latin, and in Vatican-speak, thoroughly analyzes the world-wide reactions to "Summorum Pontificum" the Motu Proprio's title, which frees up the use of the 1962 Latin Mass this coming September.

July 20

Archbishop Burke on the Motu Proprio
Archbishop Kurtz of Louisville on Summorum Pontificum
The Catholic Spirit of Archdiocese of St.Paul/Minneapolis on older Mass
Bishop Finn of Kansas City-St. Joseph on Summorum Pontificum
Archbishop Vlazny of Portland on the older form of Mass (2006 Comments)
Diocese of Orange: older Mass but with newer Lectionary

July 18

Fr. Z's PODCAzT 37: The position of the altar and the priest’s “back to the people”
Green Bay's Bishop Zubik Moves to Pittsburgh: MP Update

July 17

Catholic News Service (USCCB) v Catholic World News on Benedict XVI using older Mass in private
Bishop Lori of Bridgeport, CT, on MP: what a pleasure!

July 16

The Tablet (UK): against Summorum Pontificum (by Fr. Mark Francis, C.S.V.)
Boston Globe on “Pope Benedict’s mistake” (by James Carroll, ex-Paulist priest)

July 15

Cardinal Barbarin, Lyon, FR, reacts to Summorum Pontificum
A Franciscan take on the Motu Proprio; (Noel Muscat, OFM)
A Memorandum from the Diocese of Pittsburgh
Diocese of Raleigh, NC, very good
Steubenville, Bishop Conlon, and Summorum Pontificum

July 14

MP statement of Archdiocese of Denver, CO. Nice!
MP statement of Diocese of Grand Rapids, MI

July 13

Statement of Bishop Trautman on Summorum Pontificum
Diocese of Harrisburg, PA, on the MP
Bishop of Salt Lake City on Summorum Pontificum

July 11

MP Statement of Diocese of Orange
About mixing the rites (Ecclesia Dei Commission)
Vatican insults other churches: "Pravda"
"Philadelphia Inquirer" on Mater Ecclesiae in Camden, NJ

July 10

Sr. Joan Chittister on Summorum Pontificum
"Boston Globe" on the MP: “the heyday of the Inquisition”
"The Independent"…. (UK): the usual stuff about the MP
"American Jewish Committee" press release
Official Statement of Archdiocese of Detroit on MP
Summorum Pontificum - TRANSLATION ISSUES A Table worth printing out for ease in understanding.

July 9

Summorum Pontificum Part. 6 - Use of old Lectionary in the vernacular
Paul Dion, editor of "Parish World": 4 reasons why he is unhappy with MP
USA MP Celebrations
"Time" Magazine on the MP
INDIA: Reception of the MP. Behold the good shepherds.
Hand Missals and active participation

July 8

Thomas Reese, S.J., former editor of the magazine, "America" "More to do with power and politics than Latin and liturgy."
Comments by French & Italian Cardinals: “the prayer could be changed if it caused difficulties with Jews”

"Il Giornale": interviews Card. Castrillón Hoyos (President of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei". This Commission will figure big in the implementation of Summorum Pontificum).
Official statement of Bishop Matano of Burlington, VT
"BBC" on MP, shallow but with a gem
"The National Post" (Canada) on the MP
MP Statement by Diocese of Camden, NJ
WDTPRS NEWS ALERT; "AP" News Story Again on Motu Proprio
"Reuters" story on Motu Proprio

July 7

"Corriere Della Sera" on the way the last documents were released.
Cardinal Ricard of Bordeaux, France, reacts and comments cautiously
Interesting points in the comments by the Papal Spokesman
"Associated Press" on the MP
The Hermeneutic of Continuity blog celebrates with VIDEO
Breakfast with Summorum Pontificum
Summorum Pontificum: my intro comments and the text

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