
Monday, July 9, 2007

Motu Proprio Website: Summary of Reactions Pro and Con


Summorum Pontificum - July 7, 2007

Statements by U.S. Bishops
Analysis & Reaction
News Coverage
U.S. Diocesan Official Reactions

The Province of Saint Paul and Minneapolis comprises the states of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

* Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
* Diocese of Bismarck
* Diocese of Crookston
* Diocese of Duluth
* Diocese of Fargo
* Diocese of New Ulm
* Diocese of Rapid City
* Diocese of Saint Cloud
* Diocese of Sioux Falls
* Diocese of Winona

The Province of Milwaukee comprises the state of Wisconsin.

* Archdiocese of Milwaukee
* Diocese of Green Bay
* Diocese of La Crosse
* Diocese of Madison
* Diocese of Superior

The Province of Dubuque comprises the state of Iowa.

* Archdiocese of Dubuque
* Diocese of Davenport
* Diocese of Des Moines
* Diocese of Sioux City


Cathy_of_Alex said...

Ray: Thanks for the link. That sounds like a good all-in-one spot.

Sanctus Belle said...

Thanks Ray! I checked out this link and looks like a great resource for the world's reaction to the MP. I also added it to my links. You are so good at keeping the rest of us ignorant fools informed. :)

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