
Monday, September 17, 2007

Saint Mary's of Winona receives $2 million donation

Saint Mary's University, Winona, Minnesota, home to St Blog's Parish's Resident Ironicist, said Monday that it received an anonymous $2 million donation.

The university said that it was the largest gift ever received by its Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs, and detailed that it will be used to fund endowed scholarships for adults completing their bachelor and graduate degrees. The school currently has about 4,000 adult learners at campuses throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin and Nairobi, Kenya.

A portion of the gift will also be used towards an annual event in the Twin Cities with the school's Hendrickson Institute for Ethical Leadership. The event will be a series, featuring renowned guest speakers who have made contributions towards global ethical initiatives.

Congratulations, St Mary's! Mpls-St Paul Business Journal


The Ironic Catholic said...

Woo hoo! I don't think I'll see a dime, but it's good for the school, and for nontraditional students and scholarships.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Let me state for the record that I was not the anonymous donor! I think it was Adoro!

Adoro said... I'm alum, if I had that kind of money it might now go to Ave Maria. Or be split between the 2. Or something.

But as I'm um...a very poor grad student employed by the do the math..

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