
Saturday, November 17, 2007


The estranged wife of a pastor claims her husband blended his professional and personal finances so thoroughly that his church should be counted as an asset in their divorce. CBSNews


Fr. Andrew said...

Don't quite know what to say...

Don't want to rejoice in divorce...

Don't want to gloat at those who oppose celibacy...

Must say nothing at all...

Unknown said...


I guess my "hmmmmmmmmm" didn't communicate well.

It was not a statement on divorce.

It was a message to those who think that "married priests" for the Church might be a good idea.

Can you imagine 20 or 50 years down the pike when some long serving and effective rector at the Cathedral or the Basilica gets sued for divorce by his frau for "neglect" and she decides that some of the funds of the parish should go to her, too?

I would bet right now 30% of the judges in this country would go for it today.

Sanctus Belle said...

Definately food for thought!

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