
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chesterton Academy Announces Advisory Council; No Site Yet

Chesterton Academy, probably planned for the southwestern suburbs of the Twin Cities, avidly recruiting students, announced recently the members of its advisory council. A pretty classy list. But they have not yet announced where they plan to open for business!

The Board of Directors of Chesterton Academy is pleased to announce the school's Advisory Council. The purpose of the Advisory Council is to provide spiritual and intellectual support to Chesterton Academy and its faculty, students, and families. We are humbled that these generous men and women have taken such an interest in our school and we include them in our prayers.

Sr. Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz, O.P., Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist
Sister Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz was one of four Dominican Sisters who, in 1997, founded a thriving new community of women religious, the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist. A popular speaker, Sister has given catechetical and vocations talks throughout the United States, Canada, and Austria. Sister has also given talks to the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, the Knights of Malta, and to countless seminarians and high school and college students. A tireless promoter of vocations, Sister has appeared on EWTN and her writings have been published in This Rock, Lay Witness, Dominican Torch, and The National Catholic Register.

Mary Ann Kuharski, Executive Director, ProLife Across America
Mary Ann Kuharski is President of ProLife Across America (The Billboard People) and a nationally known author and speaker. She was a founding member of and past president of Prolife Minnesota and an advisory board member for the National Committee for Adoption. She is the author of Raising Catholic Children (Our Sunday Visitor 1991), Building a Legacy of Love (Queenship Publishing 1997), and Outnumbered! Raising 13 Kids with Humor and Prayer (Servant Books 2006). Mrs. Kuharski is a loving mother of 13 children (six of whom are adopted and several with special needs) and a grandmother of 12. She and her husband, John, live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Fr. Mitchell Pacwa, S.J., Host, EWTN; President, Ignatius Productions
Father received his B.A. in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Detroit, summa cum laude. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1976 with the Society of Jesus and then continued his studies. He received his Master of Divinity and S.T.B. from the Jesuit School of Theology of Loyola University, magna cum laude. At Vanderbilt University, he received his Master of Arts, Ph.D. in Old Testament. Being a well-known biblical scholar, he has lectured at hundreds of conferences and churches around the world, and has appeared and hosted international radio and television programs. He is best known for his appearances on EWTN. Father Pacwa is fluent in twelve languages and has a unique understanding of the peoples and cultures of the Middle East. Father Pacwa also has the privilege of being bi-ritual, which means he can also celebrate the Maronite Mass of the Eastern Catholic Church.

Charles E. Rice, Professor Emeritus of Law, Notre Dame Law School
Charles E. Rice is Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Notre Dame Law School. Professor Rice was born in 1931, received the B.A. degree from the College of the Holy Cross, the J.D. from Boston College Law School and the LL.M. and J.S.D. from New York University. He served in the Marine Corps and is a Lt. Col. in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve (Ret.). He practiced law in New York City and taught at New York University Law School and Fordham Law School before joining, in 1969, the faculty of law at Notre Dame. He is a member of the governing boards of Franciscan University of Steubenville and the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). He is also chairman of the Center for Law and Justice International in New Hope, Kentucky, and a director of the Thomas More Center for Law and Justice in Ann Arbor. He is an assistant coach of the Notre Dame Boxing Club. He and his wife, Mary, have 10 children and 37 grandchildren. They reside in Mishawaka, Indiana.

Joseph M. Scheidler, Director, Pro-Life Action League
Joseph M. Scheidler is National Director of the Pro-Life Action League, a national pro-life educational and activist organization headquartered in Chicago. The League is dedicated to saving lives through activism and to bringing the abortion issue to the public via the media. It has been said that Joseph Scheidler defined pro-life direct action. Syndicated columnist Patrick Buchanan called Mr. Scheidler "the Green Beret of the pro-life movement." His book on his methods of fighting abortion, CLOSED: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion, was updated in 1993, and he has produced the videos Meet the Abortion Providers and Abortion: The Inside Story, featuring former abortionists who are now telling the truth about what goes on in the abortion clinics. Mr. Scheidler also produced the definitive video on sidewalk counseling, No Greater Joy, and Face the Truth, an 11-minute video on a unique, highly visible pro-life demonstration using large graphic abortion posters to bring the truth about abortion to the American public. Mr. Scheidler lives in Chicago with his wife, Ann, the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League. They have 7 children and 15 grandchildren.

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