
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Arnold, I didn't know that you had it in you!

Addressing a Catholic Health Association meeting, Gov. Schwarzenegger vows to pray 20 rosaries a day for health care reform

Jeepers, not even the Pope prays more than one 20-decade rosary a day. That's gonna be about 10 hours a day for Arnold on his knees. Maybe he should.

It is a “moral crisis,” said Schwarzenegger, “for the greatest state in the greatest country in the world to have 6.7 million people that are uninsured, and out of that, a million children.” Schwarzenegger expressed his confidence in Dean’s support in helping him implement his health care proposal.

“And I know that, with your help, we can do it,” Schwarzenegger said to the assembled health care leaders. “And even if it takes praying 20 rosaries every day, I will be on my knees praying the 20 rosaries – but we are going to get the job done!” California Catholic Daily

1 comment:

Cathy_of_Alex said...

I prayed that many when he supported abortion and gay "marriage"

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