
Friday, July 11, 2008

Scott Hahn to Speak at St. Olaf's on September 27. Register Now!

Join Catholic theologian and best-selling author Dr. Scott Hahn as he recounts his personal adventure of discovery that will make the familiar topic of the Sacraments seem brand new. As you share his journey, you'll discover new insights into the Sacraments that will inspire, enlighten and inform you as never before - even if you're a lifelong Catholic! This conference is open to all!

The title of Hahn's presentation will be "Swear to God: The Promise and Power of the Sacraments"

The National Association of the Holy Name Society (NAHNS) will hold their National Convention in Minneapolis from Thursday, September 25 through Sunday, September 28, 2008. Attendance at this very special conference is included in the registration fee for National Members of the Holy Name Society.

Register on-line

Register by mail

Holy Name Society Logo

The Theme of the convention is "Proclaim the Name of the Lord".


Terry Nelson said...

I would go. I won't - but I would. I like Scott Hahn. I might ask him to pay for his wife to see a hairdresser, but I like him.

Unknown said...

LJ -- LJ -- LJ

Sometimes the best comments are the shortest.

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