
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who Wouldda Thunk It? 3,000 Posts on Stella Borealis

The story below was Post No. 2 on Stella Borealis (No. 1 was two days earlier, an inane one sentence weather report, just to see if Blogger was working. It was). The next post was on a real dead saint from the Second Century who is buried in St. John's Abbey in Collegeville. Unfortunately, the link to the original story from WCCO is no longer on the internet. [I'll have to do a little research and try to replicate that story].

That is a classic example why I try to post an entire news story when I find them because commercial stations and newspapers don't keep their stories online forever. I have not succumbed to "selling advertising" so that I could not be accused of profiting off of plagiarized work. I prefer to think of myself as an historian or archivist.

I hope that my readers have found some value in what I have posted. And post No. 3001 is my first YouTube Video. Since everybody else seems to be posting them, I guess I may as well also.

Tip O' the Hat to Adoro who tipped me off to my 3,000th post.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We're off!

Well, taking baby steps, I guess we're ready to start.

As you can see from the title above, I am gong to try to be a clearing house for news and activities, good and not so good, of Catholic Church activities that are going on in Minnesota and surround states. At the same time I want to give publicity to a lot of the smaller blogs working hard in the wilderness and maybe if we all work together, we all will get our messages out to more people.

Right now, it so happens that there is a lot of bad news regarding the Church and Minnesota. I don't intend so much for this to be a muckraking attempt, but more a place where people can come to get clearer answers as to actually is happening.

I have my opinions with respect to lots of things, but I will attempt to keep them muted and forgive me when I slip, for I am sure to. I will be inviting other area bloggers to advise, monitor and contribute items that they are
aware of. More later on that.

The reason that I'm starting tonight is not so much that I am ready but that I have found something, really neat, and worth mentioning: a real saint in Minnesota.


Cathy_of_Alex said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Thank for your efforts. Thank you for your friendship.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Cathy!

I think I get more spiritual growth out of your posts than I do out of my own. So I really appreciate and thank you, also.

Our Word said...

Well done, Ray. I remember that I had about a year head-start on you, and now you've probably posted about twice as many pieces as I have. And I'm afraid I haven't done much to help add to that number! :)

But thanks again for allowing me the privilege of being a contributor.


The Ironic Catholic said...

Wow--3,000! Way to hang in there!

Thanks for the MN angle...its a cool idea (no pun intended).

Unknown said...

Thanks, I.C.

And thanks for the tips to all those Winona "scoops" that I've had because of you.

Keep 'em coming.

Adrienne said...

I can't even picture 3000 - good job

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