
Friday, February 20, 2009

Leader needed urgently for Minneapolis Rosary Procession

Dear Leaders in Christ who are passionate about the Rosary,

These past four years as a volunteer directing this event for our Queen have been extremely beautiful in so many ways. In leading others, working with truly faithful Catholics, it has renewed my belief year after year in the power of the most Holy Rosary.

There is a need for new leadership of the Minneapolis Rosary Procession which will take place on May 3 this year.

As the former leader, I have prepared a timeline of duties and will be available to consult by telephone for the purpose of facilitating an excellent and beautlful event. If anyone has questions about the mission, the time commitment or qualifications necessary to lead, they can contact myself or Father Altier. If you would like Father 's contact number for the purpose of inquiring about this opening or to indicate you are willing and able to lead, contact me at the email address below.

Father will be accepting leaders' assents until March 1st, 2009. If no one felt the
prompting from the Holy Spirit by then he will have no other recourse left except to pull the plug on the Minneapolis Rosary Procession.

May God guide your decision. May Our Lady be served and graces be brought into this world

In Christ's freedom,

John Paul Rosenthal


Subject: Minneapolis Rosary Procession...

  • John-Paul Rosenthal would be a backup there and assist with information. . . . There is an organizational template that they could just needs to be activated... and publicity for the event is done together with Saint Paul via emails to parishes and our website.

  • Otherwise it is going to end on that side...deadline for getting help is March 1.

  • I'd appreciate it if you could forward this to anybody you know there and John-Paul could give them the specifics. It is very nice over there...they assemble at Dunwoody, walk over the overpass and go into the Basilica for Benediction. They pray the Rosary in several languages...Arabic, Polish, English, Spanish and Vietnamese...they bring their statue and sing a lovely hymn to Our Lady in their language.

  • Mary Clare Wareham

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