
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lenten Activities Around Town

Cathy of Alex here!

Lent is fast approaching and if you live in the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis and are still scratching your head as far as what you can do to deepen your spiritual life during Lent, I have a few ideas.

1) "Behold Life VII Concert" featuring the works of Bob Hindel for choir and orchestra. Also featured: The St. John's Youth Choir and Sharon Bowen speaking about "Share a Life". Freewill offering benefits the pro-life movement in Minnesota. Sunday, February 15th at 2:00 p.m. at St. John the Baptist, 835 2nd Ave NW, New Brighton, MN. FFI: 763-780-5160.

Ok, this event is before Lent so sue me! Even though this event is not at my parish, St. Andrew, this year it's still very much a St. Andrew production. Bob Hindel is my parish music director and Sharon Bowen is a buddy of mine and also a fellow parishioner at St. Andrew. I'm so proud of the pro-life work in my humble parish. We are a small parish (about 400 families) but we are BIG for life! Here's an example. Be there.

2) "Conversion" an Archdiocesan WOMEN'S retreat (Sorry, AOTM-stay home! *meow* LOL!) is offered from 8:30 a.m. to Noon Saturday February 28th at Holy Spirit, 515 Albert St, St. Paul, MN. Featured speakers: Father John Paul Erickson and Father Christopher Beaudet. The morning begins with Adoration and Benediction followed by a presentation and quiet time. A second presentation, reflection time and Mass conclude the retreat. Cost is $10. Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office for Marriage Family and Life. FFI or to register call: 651-291-4488

3) "The Vitae Monologues" --world premiere of a new production by Epiphany Studio Productions. University of St. Thomas (Main Campus in St. Paul), OEC Auditorium, on February 27th or 28th at 7:30 p.m. or March 1st at 1:30 p.m. "The Vitae Monologues" is a powerful 2-person drama based upon the true stories of post-abortive women and men who have found healing and forgiveness in Christ. Help build a culture of life and begin Lent in a powerful way by attending this production by a local Catholic Christian theater company! Tickets are $12/adult or $8/student. Group discounts of 25% are available for groups of 10 or more. FFI: or 651-336-3302. (This play may contain material unsuitable for youth under 12 yrs old)

I'll be there on the 27th! I'm terrifically excited. I'm so grateful to God for the work of Epiphany Studio Productions. Come out and support a Catholic University that is NOT producing that OTHER play as well as a great local apostolate.

4) The World Apostolate of Fatima 23rd Annual Marian Congress "Console Your God: Fatima's Call Today", Saturday March 7, 2009 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 1154 Seminole Ave, West St. Paul.

Registration Opens at 7:00 a.m.
First Saturday Devotions at 7:30 a.m.
Mass at 8:00 a.m.

Two morning talks by Father Randal Kasel:
"God Desires Our Love: How Our Prayers and Sacrifices Console Him"
"Our Lady and the Eucharist: Pillars of Hope"

Afternooon keynote address by Dr. Mark Miravalle, S.T.D.
"Fatima's Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the Fifth Marian Dogma"

Advance Registration: $30 (must be postmarked by Feb 23rd), Registration at the door: $35.
Cost includes continental breakfast and box lunch
FFI: or 763-502-0792

5) Catholic Parents Online Annual Lenten Retreat "Authentic Change in a Secular World: Conversion to Christ", featuring Father Robert Altier, Saturday March 28th, 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Church of St. John, 977 E 5th St., St. Paul MN. The day begins with Mass at 8:00, followed by continental breakfast, and includes 3 presentations by Father Altier, lunch, Rosary and more! Cost is $25/person or $40/couple. FFI: See the CPO website or call 651-705-5409.

I think this will be the 3rd CPO Lenten retreat I'll attend. I was just beginning to worry they were not going to have one..and LO, here it is! Father Altier is one of the best homilists that I know of. If you've never had the opportunity to hear his inspired speaking, here it is. Go. If you are tired of wish-washy dreck, you will not hear it from Father A. He tells it straight up, like it is and so does the CPO. Be there. Support CPO. 'nuff said.

6) This is not an event but an idea. My parish, St. Andrew, is coming to the end of a Total Life Care Center Baby Bottle Campaign. Some of you may have seen or participated in this campaign. Many of you probably have not. You take a baby bottle home and over the course of a few weeks fill it with your spare change, cash or checks and bring it back to your parish or send it to Total Life Care Centers (the recipient) in St. Paul. If you have not participated in this campaign, and it's something you think you'd like to, it's never too late. I'm sure Total Life Care Centers would love to hear from you. Contact them at their website or 651-291-9473 and ask for ideas on how you could get the Baby Bottle Campaign going in your parish, workplace, or among your friends and family.

Cross posted to Recovering Dissident Catholic blog

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