
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Scrutiny Passion Performances Lent 2009

Cathy of Alex here!

Epiphany Studio Productions is giving two local performances of The Scrutiny Passion. Ray and I saw this play when it debuted at St. Olaf Catholic Church a couple years ago. It's very good. Attending will help deepen your Lenten journey as well as support a great, solid, Catholic apostolate!

Friday, March 27th @ 7:00pm
St. Hubert Catholic Church

8201 Main Street, Chanhassen, Minn.
Performance follows a Knights of Columbus fish fry from 4 - 6:45pm
For more info, call: 952-934-9106 or

Palm Sunday, April 5th @ 3:00pm
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church (school auditorium)

1900 Stanford, St. Paul, Minn. (parking in lot or on street)
For more info, call: 651-696-5401 or

There are promotional slides as well as an embedded YouTube promotional video of The Scrutiny Passion located here

If you are interested in helping to book a performance from Epiphany Studios you are invited to fill out an online form


Terry Nelson said...

Cath - you are just so, so, syndicated.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

I'm bad. I'm nationwide.

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