
Monday, May 4, 2009

The Ordination of Seven Deacons Saturday: Recovering Dissident Catholic Reports

Cathy of Alexandria, prolific blogger at the Recovering Dissident Catholic blog crossed the river into Minneapolis on Saturday to attend the ordination ceremonies for the seven men from the St. Paul Seminary to the diaconate. One the way, she couldn't help but got to "cranky mode" to make some pithy comments on the decoration of the inside of the Basilica, one of the most beautiful churches in America (designed by the same person who designed both the St. Paul Cathedral and the church of St. Louis, King of France in downtown St. Paul.

I entered the Basilica and there were Seminarians at every door in cassock and surplice handing out the program and helping the families of the men to be ordained find their assigned seats. Throughout the Basilica, there were priests and seminarians and religious and lay people scattered throughout in prayer before the altar, in the pews, before the various side altars and chapels. It was very heartening.

The liturgy was lovely. The music was wonderful and very solid. . . .

I was, PLEASANTLY, shocked that almost everyone in the pews was very well dressed. I can't remember the last time I saw the majority of people in the pews dressed so well at a Mass. I want to be greedy for His sake and ask for more of this. Thank you. . . .
Read the rest (and the best) of Cathy's comments at her blog

1 comment:

Cathy_of_Alex said...

It wasn't full cranky-just annoyance.

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