
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Minn. Chesterton Conference, St. John's: What the Economic Crisis Has Done To Us - Sept. 19


The Twin Cities Chesterton Society presents

1st Annual Minnesota Chesterton Conference

Eaten Alive:

What the Economic Crisis Has Done To Us

(And What We Can Do About It)

Saturday, September 19,th 2009
St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN
Science Center Auditorium

In just a few short months we have seen unprecedented economic meltdown and business failure on a grand scale. Accompanying it has been gigantic government growth with bailouts that have resulted in the virtual takeover of certain industries. Thousands of people have lost homes and jobs, and the entire country, along with the world, is facing great economic uncertainty. Everyone is looking for answers. Among the many responses to the crisis has been an encyclical from Pope Benedict XVI, which has been both praised and condemned across the political spectrum. Lost in all the commotion is the fact that G.K. Chesterton saw all of this coming a long time ago. Like any true prophet, he did not just preach doom and destruction, he offered hope.
The Twin Cities Chesterton Society is hosting a one-day conference and inviting everyone to come and consider the real problems that face us as well as the real solutions. Please join us on the beautiful campus of St. John’s University for the first annual Minnesota Chesterton Conference.


Dale Ahlquist is President of the American Chesterton Society, host of the EWTN series “G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense,” and Publisher of Gilbert Magazine. He has written two books on Chesterton and edited several others. He is the co-founder of Chesterton Academy, a new independent high school in the Twin Cities, and the executive producer of Manalive, a film based on the novel by G.K. Chesterton.

Daniel Finn is Professor of Theology and the William E. and Virginia Clemens Professor of Economics and the Liberal Arts at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. He is President of the Society of Christian Ethics, and a past-president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and the Association for Social Economics.

Robert Hanten is President of Solidarity Financial, Inc. and a registered representative with Workman Securities Corporation. He is a board member of The American Chesterton Society and the Minnesota Catholic Credit Union and Secretary of the Minneapolis Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, and a General Agent with the Catholic Order of Foresters. He is also a Benedictine Oblate.

Dr. Arthur Hippler is Chairman of the Department of Theology and teaches religion in the Upper School at Providence Academy in Plymouth, Minnesota. Since 2001, he has been Visiting Professor with the Institute for Pastoral Theology of Ave Maria University. He is the author of Citizens of the Heavenly City: A Catechism of Catholic Social Teaching, published by Borromeo Books.

John Medaille is an adjunct instructor of Theology at the University of Dallas, and a real estate agent in Irving, Texas. He has authored the book, The Vocation of Business. He is one of the country’s leading advocates for Distributism, and his very clear writings on the subject can be found on his website

Joseph Pearce is the author of biographies of Chesterton, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Oscar Wilde, Solzhenitsyn, and most recently The Quest for Shakespeare and Small is Still Beautiful: Economics as if Families Mattered. He is the co-editor of the St. Austin Review and is Writer-in-Residence and Assistant Professor of Literature at Ave Maria University in Naples, Florida.


8:00 AM Registration and coffee and rolls
9:00 AM Robert Hanten -- “Economic Plunder & Pillage: A Public-Private Venture”
10:00 AM Break
10:30 AM Professor Daniel Finn -- “Justice: What’s Government Got to Do with It?”
11:30 AM Lunch in the main dining room
1:00 PM Joseph Pearce -- “Size Matters: Government, Business and Power Envy”
2:00 PM Break
2:30 PM John Medaille -- “Justice: What’s Business Got to Do with It?”
4:00 PM Arthur Hippler -- “Caritas in Veritate: The Social Encyclical of Benedict XVI”
5:00 PM Reception at the Great Hall
7:00 PM Banquet at the Great Hall
8:00 PM Keynote Address by Dale Ahlquist--
“The Restoration of Sanity”

The cost of the event is $95.00 and includes admission to all the speeches, refreshments, lunch, reception, and banquet.

Student Rate: $8.00 (includes all speeches, refreshments and reception. Lunch and Banquet not included.)

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