
Friday, August 7, 2009

EWTN Viewing Tips for watching live programs; world feeds and older programs

1. Most of you probably know that you can watch EWTN television or listen to EWTN radio online by going to the Multimedia button at the top of our home page and clicking on Multimedia Home at the top of the dropdown menu. However, did you ever stop to consider that this page showcases all eight of EWTNs television feeds? That means you can use the website to view what EWTN is showing anywhere in the world! How cool is that? Plus, if youve missed your favorite show for the week, all you have to do is scroll down that same page and click on the archived video. You can even download your favorite live show to your iPod or MP3 player from that page!

I never thought of that! I haven't bothered to upgrade my 25 year old TV to digital and when I want to watch a program on EWTN, I can do it live on my computer monitor. It works if you have just a computer modem; but much better if you have DSL service from Qwest or some other provider.

If your cable provider doesn't provide EWTN you could get cable internet service from them and get high quality feeds from them.

I"ll have to check out those European; UK/Ireland; Canada; Pacific Rim; and the Africa/South Asia feeds.

They also have many of their older programs available with Video feeds and some with audio feeds; Click on the Multimedia tab on the EWTN Dropdown Menu at the top of the screen.

2. But what if you want to download not only our live shows, but programs such as EWTNs Open Line radio program, the daily homily, Bookmark, Vatican Insider, or any number of other great programs? Turn your car into a learning lab or start an adult education group by going to the Libraries tab at the top of the Home page and clicking on Audio Library in the drop down menu to find all of this and more. Did you know we also list special monthly podcasts on that page and you can sign up to be notified about them for free? This month were featuring all 13 episodes of our series on the fabulous Cardinal John Henry Newman, who is scheduled to be beatified next year.

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