
Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Archdiocesan Speakers Policy

New archdiocesan speaker policy to aid administrators

The following new speaker policy was recommended to Archbishop John C. Nienstedt by the Archdiocesan Presbyteral Council on Nov. 11 and approved by the archbishop that same day.

The following policy is offered to help pastors and administrators of any Catholic institution or organization in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis as they consider inviting speakers and/or granting awards.

To be considered for invitation, the person should be in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church. The speaker’s writings and previous public presentations must also be in harmony with the teaching and discipline of the church. A priest who left the ministerial priesthood without dispensation would not be eligible for consideration.

Those in irregular marriages or those living a lifestyle at variance with church teaching would also not be eligible.

Pastors/administrators should make a prudential judgment after appropriate research about the suitability of a speaker in light of the above criteria. If there are any questions needing clarification, they should feel free to confer with the archdiocesan Office of Commu­nica­tions.

For any archdiocesan-sponsored program, the moderator of the curia considers proposed speakers according to criteria listed above. If the speaker would also be addressing seminarians at St. John Vianney or the St. Paul Seminary, the seminary administration would need to grant concurrence.

Politicians and candidates for pub­lic office — regardless of their relationship with the Catholic Church — should never be invited to speak during or after the holy Eucharist. An appearance of a political candidate or incumbent government official on church property is at the discretion of the local pastor/administrator and only if consistent with the political activity guidelines issued by the United States Con­fe­rence of Catholic Bishops. Similarly, if a parish intends to host a candidate or other political forum, that must be done in keeping with the United States Conference of Cath­o­lic Bishops and Minnesota Cath­o­lic Con­ference guidelines. It should be clear that none of the candidates enjoy endorsement by the church.

With regard to granting of honorary awards, degrees, special recognition or commendation, the archdiocese abides by the 2004 policy of the United States Conference of Cath­olic Bishops that we should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms that might suggest support for their actions. Catholic Spirit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does this apply to musical acts too? St Joan of arc is hosting tht Twin Cities Gay Men's chorus in a few weeks...check it out on their website

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