
Friday, October 29, 2010

Is this Ad Anti-Catholic?

From the "This Hollow Earth" blog:

So, the question is, does the Catholic Church believe they can continue to support political messages but never receive any rebuttals for the positions? They have, with great gusto, thrown their pointy hats into the ring. They are a political entity, and can therefore be treated the same as any other. The ad is not anti-Catholic, it’s merely treating them the same as other political entity. Now, about that tax-exempt status …

One Comment on “Is This Ad Anti-Catholic?”

  1. Ray Marshall Says:

    Of course the Catholic Church knows that it will receive criticism if it speaks out on issues that are important to it. It has been doing that for 2,000 years.

    It also knows that in this country it has freedom of speech and can inform its 70 million members about political issues without fear of legal or financial reprecussions.

    And it also knows that receiving criticism means that the power and effectiveness of its messages increase even more, reaching more of its target audience and even non-Catholic who agree with the Church on issues.


Anonymous said...

I read this blog because I find the non-political posts informative and interesting. However I would like to point out to readers that not all Catholics think that the DFL is being anti-Catholic. The writer of this blog and the CDL are seeming to use these mailings as a way to defend the extremely wrong choice of our bigoted Archbishop to waste the people's donations on hateful DVDs. The fact of the matter is that the few Church leaders who feel they need to interject themselves into people's love-lifes have the right to do so because this is America but they need to accept that there will be people who disagree and are going to speak out against it. The Church is not a democracy and should not be so if the Archbishop chooses to speak out about something that most people right now would regard as a civil rights issue and come out on the wrong side of it, us Catholics who disagree have no other choice than to speak out. Personally I think the IRS should look into removing the Church's tax exemption if the Archbishop continues to go down this road especially when there are much more devistating things to our society going on like two endless wars and 9.6% unemployment. All Catholics are not bigoted conservatives and neither was Jesus. Our Lady of Perpetual Help pray for all of us!

Unknown said...

Why don't you use your real name, Anon?

I don't have time to explain this to you.

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