
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Letters to the Editor: A Courageous Move [Marriage DVDs]


A courageous move

I am tired of reading about Catholics who are using the DVD by Archbishop Nienstedt to make a statement against the content.

Growing up Catholic in the post-Vatican II era, our generation for the most part has been poorly catechized. Fellow Catholics continually question, "Why does the Catholic Church do this or that?" Finally, we have an archbishop who is trying to answer our "whys" and teach us the reason for our beliefs — and how do we respond? By not even honoring him with the courtesy of watching the DVD and perhaps being enlightened to the "why."

Doesn't anyone care to understand the "whys" any more? How sad a commentary of our faith, when the mainstream, politically correct viewpoint transcends 2,000 years of consistent teaching by the Catholic Church.

What a courageous move by our archbishop to take his role seriously as our shepherd and teach us the truth.

Vicki Kueppers, Mendota Heights
Pioneer Press

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