
Friday, April 29, 2011

Vatican Blognic: When in Rome, Tweet/Blog as the Romans Do (but in English, please)

One of the many wonderful things that have happened under our most recent Popes has been the acknowledgment of the computer age, blogging and even Tweeting. Monday, May 2, the day after the Beatification of Blessed John Paul, the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Social Communications will be holding a "blognic" for 150 bloggers from around the world to discuss the Church in the Blog Age (or whatever else they feel like. The Pope is not scheduled to appear, or blog.

Two Minnesota bloggers, The Ironic Catholic (IC, to her pals), who blogs under that name out of St. Mary's University in Winona, where she is a Professor of Theology (and a mom of four), and Susan Vigilante (what a great last name!), who blogs as the Desperate Irish Housewife ("Desperate" to her pals) will be present and most assuredly will be reporting back via their blogs, and Twitter.

Also invited:
Hilary White Writer for
Joan Lewis EWTN
Rocco Palmo
Roderick Vonhögen
Sandro Magister: L'Espresso
Taylor Marshall
Thomas Peters also
Tim Kelleher
There will be a less formal gathering on May 3 and many Americans not invited to the formal event will be present for that.

IC posted this on her blog, today

When In Rome, tweet as the Romans do....

I'll be leaving Saturday from Minneapolis and arrive in Rome this Sunday, 8 am. I will be attempting to tweet through the experience, but we'll see how that works. And I'm not tweeting through masses, people. I'm actually a luddite at heart who became accustomed to social media largely through learning to teach hyper-wired college students, as well as through Sic's web development side work. But luddite or not, I will try my best to get a picture of the Crescat with a Swiss Guard. And perhaps talk her down. Although she is picturing Thelma and Louise, I'm afraid I'm more of an ironic Jiminy Cricket type.

If you want to follow me on Twitter, click here. If you like twitter, you can see what everyone is tweeting by searching through the term #vaticanblognic . If you don't do twitter and want to know what's going on, check the Twitter widget on the left sidebar of the IC website. And if I'm good, I may even blog a bit, and Sic (spouse of the Ironic Catholic, of course) has said he will try to post as well (although the man is watching our four young kids!).

Prayers appreciated. Thanks for all the good wishes and more--I've been mightily humbled by the positive response to it all. Easter peace everyone, and see you soon--virtually or in person!

p.s. big news when I get back about little Anthony, the boy with CP who needs a family--more on this later but you can preview it here!

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