
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

AUDIO: Fargo Bishop Samuel Aquila Believes Elements Of Communism And Nazism Attack Religious Freedoms


There were strong statements from Fargo Catholic diocese Bishop Samuel Aquila.



Fargo Catholic diocese Bishop Samuel Aquila. (Submitted Photo)

AUDIO: Fargo Bishop Believes Elements Of Communism And Nazism Attack Religious Freedoms

Fargo Catholic diocese Bishop Samuel Aquila talks about where the country is heading

There were strong statements from Fargo Catholic diocese Bishop Samuel Aquila. The bishop says elements of communism and Nazism are attacking religious freedoms and moving the nation away from its Judeo-Christian foundations.

In an interview with KFGO news, the bishop acknowledged that his words are strong, but necessary to convey his message. Aquila says the country began slowly changing into a secular society sometime after World War II.

Aquila says the re-definition of marriage, the debate over when life begins and euthanasia are examples of what he's concerned about.

He says the effects of communism, Nazism and atheism are stronger now than just 30 to 40 years ago. KFGO News

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