
Monday, May 15, 2006

St Agnes Revisited

Terry fom Abbey-Roads, a member of St Agnes parish, has posted a picture of the front facade of the beautiful church in St Paul:

I went to 8:30AM Mass again...can you just hear the lift in my voice like there is something negative to come? But it was very nice as usual. Monsignor [Schuler] has a cold and so came off even older than he did the last time I was there. He had a legion of altar servers again. Fr. Welzbacher had the homily.

As good as Fr. Altier is, Fr. Welzbacher is one I shall truly miss. His homilies and the Pastor's page in the bulletin are always wonderful. He is a very intelligent and knowledgeable man. I always say if one was not fortunate to take any of his classes, or able to be involved in a conversation with him, then his homilies and writings are the next best thing. I also think he is quite holy. His homily this morning was scriptural, and most spiritual of course, while impressing me as rather poignant. [snip] Read More

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