
Monday, June 26, 2006

Winona Diocesan News

Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary

The diocesan college seminary is located on the grounds

of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota at Winona. Almost
all of our active priests and many of the senior priests
attended IHM Seminary. Presently, fifty seminarians from
12 different mid-western dioceses are enrolled at IHM. The
seminary is no longer subsidized directly by the diocese but,
as noted, the Diocese of Winona pays room and board for all
of its students. IHM Seminary truly is a great blessing to our
diocese. I am indebted to the priests and staff of the seminary
for their commitment to the formation of future priests

From The Courier, Winona Diocesan Paper, June 2006, p. 3

Reestablishment of the Permanent Diaconate

Over the past twenty years, at least a dozen permanent
deacons have moved into the Diocese of Winona. Today,
ten men ordained elsewhere have joined us in ministry. Five
have been incardinated in the Diocese of Winona. In 2000,
the diocese began a program to form men for permanent
ministry as deacons to serve in our diocese. In August 2005,
I was privileged to ordain the first class of ten men to serve
permanently as deacons in the Diocese of Winona. The
second class is presently being formed, and I expect that, in
September, I will invite ten or more to become Candidates
for the Diaconate. The deacons, both those who moved here
after ordination and those whom I ordained, make a great
contribution to the life of our diocese and to our parishes.
Their ministry as deacons is yet another gift from God, a
charism of the Church that is now expressed in our local

From The Courier, Winona Diocesan Paper, June 2006, p. 4

With this issue, the Courier salutes those priests who have faithfully
served the Diocese of Winona and are celebrating jubilees in 2006.

Bishop Loras Watters, ret., 65 years, Calista Court

Fr. Lawrence Ginther, ret. 60 years, Winona

Fr. Gerald Conway, ret. 50 years, Arizona

Fr. Andrew Fabian, OP, 50 years, Rectory of the Cathedral in Winona

Fr. James McCauley, 50 years, ret., Brownsville

Fr. Syl Brown, 50 years, All Saints, Madison Lake

Fr. Jon Moore, 25 years, Austin

More information on these fine men can be found in The Courier
that can be found in a pdf file Here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some very good ones on this list.
Fr. Moore enrolled me in the scapular.
Fr. Brown was the celebrant at the first Catholic mass I attended.
Fr. McCauley was pastor at my in-laws' parish.

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