
Thursday, July 13, 2006

NY Court Decision Banning Same Sex Marriages is Good Model For MN Justices to Follow

Katherine Kersten, the lonely conservative columnist on the Opinion Page Staff of the Strib analizes the decision last week of the New York Court of Appeals banning same sex marriages in that state.

The proposed Marriage Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution stayed bottled up in committee during the previous legislative session. A handful of Senate DFLers kept the amendment - which would preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman - off the ballot and out of the people's hands in this fall's election.

Not that Republicans put up much resistance. They seemed more interested in a new Twins stadium.

As a result, the way seems clear for same-sex marriage supporters to challenge Minnesota's marriage law in court as an unreasonable form of discrimination against same-sex couples. [snip] StarTribune

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