
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Rave Review for "The Called to Lead" Conference

Adoro, who blogs at Adoro Te Devote, attended "The Called to Lead" Conference in Wayzata and came away totally impressed and wondering why more local people didn't attend.

This is completely unacceptable, and I am now demanding that all you locals put this conference on your calender for next July. Believe you me, this is a conference well worth attending and I told the pastor at my parish that he needs to send people next year. Then I gave him one of the CD's made from a talk given by Mother Assumpta on the Virtues of a Parish leader as a fine example of what to expect at this conference.

There are three different "tracks", or categories that the various talks fall into; Leadership, Scripture, or Evangelization. I attended talks in all three categories and honestly, I'm still trying to intellectually digest what I have learned, and whenever I think about it, I am set on fire. I can't wait to share this knowledge, but I want to do it in a way that will make sense. [snip] Read More

It's not too often that Catholic speakers of the caliber of Sarah Christmyer, Tim Gray, Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo, Father Mitch Pacwa of EWTN, Curtis Martin, Carol Locke, Mother Assumpta Long, Jeff Smith, Marcellino D'Ambrosio, MichaelAnn Martin, Tom Smith, Dr. Mary Healy, Marcus Grodi of EWTN, Jeff Cavins and Fr. Peter Laird come here. Well, those last two live here, but the rest were here for a rare opportunity for you to take advantage of their expertise.

The theme of the conference was "Tools, Techniques, and Materials for Effective Life-Changing Bible Study."
There aren't too many Catholics that can't use some help in that field.

Watch for it next year.

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