
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Solemnity, Anniversary, Installation; St Olaf in Minneapolis Celebrates a Triple Header


Plan to celebrate the
65th Anniversary of our Parish
Installation of Fr. Mark Pavlik as Pastor

Our patronal feast will be celebrated at all Masses on
July 29 & 30. Hospitality with desserts by Scandia Bakery follows all Sunday Masses. Music by the Scandinavian Music Ensemble in the Gathering Room follows the Sunday 10:00 am & 4:00 pm Masses.

Sunday, July 30, 10:00 am — High Mass
Fr. Pavlik, presider; St. Olaf Parish Choir
4:00 pm — Installation Ceremony of Fr. Pavlik, Pastor
Archbishop Harry Flynn, presider; Contemporary Music Ensemble

As we celebrate the 65th Anniversary of St. Olaf Parish on the Solemnity of St. Olaf 2006, we officially install our pastor Fr. Mark Pavlik with the ceremonial blessing of Archbishop Flynn. The intersection of these events on July 30 is important in the life of this parish which thrives in the heart of the city.

A solemnity is the Church’s highest class of liturgical celebration. The patronal feast of a parish is raised to a solemnity. We choose to celebrate the solemnity on the last Sunday each July because St. Olaf was martyred on July 29, 1030 in the battle at Stiklestad in Norway.

Five years ago on the 60th anniversary of St. Olaf Parish, hundreds poured into our worship space to celebrate the Eucharist and the sanctuary renovation. The late Pauline Lambert, Ph.D., beloved parishioner and friend, promulgated the fruits of her work, too. Compelled by her love of the Lord and a passion for this ‘exceptional parish’ as she called it, her book was published “In the Heart of the City, the Story of St. Olaf Catholic Church.” This resource articulates the mission, people, and events of the parish from its urban origins to the church in the new millennium.

Our participation in the life of the Church is one of vocation and privilege. In the first letter of Peter our identity as Christians is well marked. Scholars believe that Peter was writing to Christians of Greco-Roman religious backgrounds in Asia Minor. He conveyed their privileged identity in Christ. The Church's identity is founded upon Jesus, the "cornerstone in Zion," in whom "the believer will never be put to shame" (2:6). It is also of special significance that although coming from various ethnic and religious backgrounds, Christians together constitute a chosen race. Peter intimates that the churches have not become members of Israel because of their natural birth as Jews, but because of Christ, the Living Stone, who makes the Christian believers living stones as well (cf. 2:4-5). We are a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light". (1 Peter 2:9). In 1 Peter 2:5 the churches are also called a holy priesthood. The purpose of the holy priesthood of the Church is to "offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God in Jesus Christ."

Baptized into the royal priesthood of Christ, we are living stones of the parish and the Church at large. As an extension of our baptismal call, how do we respond and share in this priesthood? With our gifts of time, talent and treasure we commit to a covenant with Christ and one another in our community of shared mission. We surround Fr. Pavlik in the mission of St. Olaf and move forward with firm faith and support. In the marvelous light of Christ we proclaim with quality and integrity all we undertake as spiritual people. In worship and devotion we lift our minds, hearts and voices to the Living God, uniting our prayers and praises into one.

Fr. Mark Pavlik attended Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD for three years and St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, MN for two years. He was ordained May 31, 2003 and assigned as Associate Pastor at St. Olaf Church in June, 2003. He was named the seventh Pastor of St. Olaf Church in April, 2006.
by Dr. Lynn Trapp, Director of Worship/Music; St Olaf Bulletin

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