
Monday, September 18, 2006

MN Daily Covers "The Pope and the Witch" controversy rather fairly!

The controversial play,
"The Pope and the Witch" by anti-Catholic Italian playwright, Dario Fo, that is scheduled to be performed by the University of Minnesota's Theater Department next March was covered in an article in the Minnesota Daily today. I thought the article covered both sides of what will probably be a long battle rather well.

William Donahue of the Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights in New York had written to UofMN President Robert Bruininks objecting to the performance. Bruininks has refused to cancel the play. Local bloggers have begun to address the issue and have also written to Bruininks. Minnesota's Catholic Defense League is also preparing to take a position in the matter.

St Paul Pioneer Press's education reporter has written on the situation and has indicated that he will be staying on top of it as events develop.

This appears to be the beginning of a five or six months battle. Stay tuned. Minnesota Daily Article.

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